
Founding Member Invitation

A special invite for select immersion graduates

If you are on this page, you have received a personal invitation to become a founding member in the Ascension Community. This will be a highly curated community of immersion graduates where we will foster an environment of community and support to create game changing breakthroughs in both life and business.

A life well lived is more than just your bank balance. Our aim is to help you create Riches Beyond Wealth by bringing in world class experts across various fields to educate, support, and empower you to Live Your Richest Life.

Your monthly membership includes:

  • Monthly Webinars & AMA’s w/ Garrett & Corey
  • Quarterly Summit With World Class Experts
  • Closed Community Platform For Connection, Growth & Support
  • Early Access To Content
  • Annual Masterclass Event w/ Ascension Members
  • Grandfathered Pricing For Life (currently a 50% discount)
  • No Contracts, No Long Term Committments

We will continue to add to the structure of the community over the coming months. Our promise is to create and provide value well beyond your investment.

We look forward to having you in the community!

Sign up now

$1,000 up-front and $1,000 a month thereafter.