Diminishing Returns and Trust

We all have good intentions… right?
But what is more powerful than our intentions? Our beliefs, our doubts, and distractions?

I’ll take care of it when I have time.
I’ll get around to it soon.
Maybe later. Eventually.
It won’t work.
What if it is like that one time where it cost me without getting results?

During peak experiences, we are motivated. An event, an insight, a victory, or an accomplishment.

Maybe we meet someone who inspires us or has a wonderful message that could improve our lives…but we wait.

Thoughts become traitors; hesitancy ensues.

Where are your patterns of doubts? Like an attorney, our minds build the case.

What will go wrong? When will it go wrong? How will I feel then?
Further from your dream?

Without learning lessons and without healing our past, procrastination wins at the expense of progress.

Do you trust yourself?
Have you made investments in the past that cost your family?

I have. They cost us money and time.

Did your past allocations of funds create a rift with your partner?
Did you let yourself down, or more likely, someone else overpromised a result they couldn’t create?

Lost trust.
Lost momentum.
Scarcity found.

Loss, mistakes, missteps, and a feeling of lack, mistrust, or even not knowing exactly how to get the results you want doesn’t have to define you OR hold you back. I understand why it might, but with a clear enough vision, a strong enough purpose, it is merely a speed bump, no matter how big.

My oldest son was diagnosed with some neurological issues, language and learning issues, and an auditory processing disorder. It prevented him from communicating clearly, delayed his language, and caused him anxiety to the point that he stayed quiet and isolated throughout the 5th grade.

It was heart-wrenching when we were told he would move to special education. My wife, a teacher, was devastated, but never a victim. She remained hopeful even in the bleakest moments.

Love is powerful. Love fueled us throughout the process. Clarity of purpose propelled us forward. We were committed to do anything and everything to support him—for him to live his best life, his richest life.

More than anything we let him know he was loved. He felt like a burden at times, yet our richest relationships, our greatest lessons, and one of the most rewarding parts of our life was serving and being able to do this for him.

We looked for support. We asked for help. We talked to dozens of people in the health field to find out what they would do, who they knew, and this led to traveling the country. Dallas (in the summer, ouch). New Hampshire. Atlanta. San Jose. Boston. Chicago.

My wife did brain games and exercises every day for 6 months with Breck.

We shut down all TV, technology, and played uno and board games based upon other recommendations. Was it the Vegas nerve, the flat spot on his head? Maybe gluten, dairy, processed food, metals, and the list goes on.

Some of the people who said they could help, massively helped. We are forever grateful.

Some that said they could help, wanted to help, but they didn’t have the specific skillset or the answer.

About fifty percent of what we did made an impact. The other fifty percent created expense and risk. If we focused on what didn’t work, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Between my wife reading all the books, and us taking a lot of flights, she eventually found the key solutions.

It was time consuming. It was expensive.
It. Was. WORTH IT.

Breck films my social media and edits my videos. We workout together. He helps me around the house without ever complaining. He does West Coast Swing dancing and works at the studio. He has a big infectious smile, gives great hugs, and loves music. He is living his life to the fullest. You would never know he had these issues in the past. Our vision was fulfilled.

The moments of doing brain games where Breck was exhausted and so was Carrie, made it hard to continue. It was stressful.

There were entire years we didn’t see much progress. There were some months where we went backwards.

But then I found Brain Camp and Dr. Francis Murphy. Carrie found the Mind Eye Institute and Cranial Orthopedics.

We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on things that didn’t help, but were part of, even essential to the journey. All told, it was over a million dollars. Money well invested.

We kept going until we got the results.

If you think:
“I don’t have that kind of money.”
“I don’t know the people you know.”

…or any related sentiment, consider the following:

I am from a small coal mining town.
Breck was three when the great recession hit, and we had to borrow money from my parents and in-laws to pay for some of the treatments for a time.
What wasn’t there, we created. We built a plan. We asked for support. We had purpose and were resourceful.

Business can be this way.
Becoming a better investor can too.

Breck is evidence of investing in a person. We invested in his life. We didn’t let the things that didn’t work defeat us or deter us. Sure, they were upsetting at times, but they didn’t define us or our son.

And now through that diligence and process, we have found people who have been instrumental in my health. We found people capable of profound things and can now refer them to help people we know. We have seen miraculous results.

Thanks to Breck and Carrie, I have someone that can help me heal my kidneys. It was our journey to help him that is transforming my health now (my latest blood work came through, interrupting this writing in the best way—it is great news).

Thanks to my wife Carrie, we got better at researching and narrowing down the options, but we never gave up.

I am going to emphasize it and say it again: The things that didn’t work weren’t a deterrent from the goal: a healthy, happy son.

What are your deterrents? Economy? Markets? Fear? Mistakes? Exhaustion? Doing too much on your own? Lack of clarity? Lack of purpose? Lack of support? SCARCITY?

You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be wealthy.

Just like my son. And I am even happier to let you know our son is doing his part. He is responsible for his health. He does the sauna. Takes cold showers (sometimes even cold plunges). He does a workout four times a week. Wears a posture shirt. Reads, meditates, and plays the piano to start his day.

He is investing in his life. Now that is legacy.

My question is, what is your dream?
What is your richest life?
What would it take to have your best life?

Get clear about your excuses and obstacles.
Have past mistakes, investments or people’s inability to deliver what they sold you deterred you from doing what it takes to have it all?
Have you lost trust in yourself and others in being able to get where you want to go?
How are your beliefs serving you?
How is your past undermining you?

What would it take to get beyond limiting beliefs?

When we allocate money towards something and don’t get what we had hoped for, either through our actions, inactions, or theirs, it can destroy momentum, stunt velocity, and create doubt.

What would you have to learn from in the past to powerfully move forward with your future? What would you have to heal, let go of, or do differently that would lead to better results?

With Breck, it was a do-whatever-it-takes mentality. Mistakes or missteps were information lessons. We knew there was an answer, we knew it was possible, even when the road wasn’t clear. We asked people. We read books. We made calls. My wife researched. Books were piled throughout the house. There was only one option: find the way.

Our vision was bigger than any obstacle or problem, so we persevered.

This is the resilience that your richest life requires.
Bad economy? Figure it out.
Lost income? Be resourceful.
Investment mistake? Capture the lesson.
Dissolved partnership? Cultivate the content/lessons.
Embarrassment? Get vulnerable and get over it.

Life is not a straight line directly to the top of the mountain without obstacle. And the journey is best when you bring people along. When you learn to receive. When you invest in yourself. When you bring people along. When you ask for support. These are the keys to finding your way, to having the life you love.

Don’t let your excuses or external factors dictate your life.

Did you invest in a mastermind that you didn’t get enough from?
Did you buy a course you never opened, or was it just a bunch of marketing without substance?
Did you invest in someone’s business or idea and lose money?
Did you buy a shit coin that was going to the moon and lose it all?

Whatever has happened, DO NOT learn the wrong lesson. Do not let it become a scarlet letter scaring and scarring you to the point of inaction.

I wrote a blog titled “The Road to Don’t.” We learn lessons through experience, but often judge ourselves harshly and lose optimism.

That isn’t learning—it is scarcity. Learning is when we gain wisdom and insight to make better choices, add more value, share with others, illuminate better ways, develop passion, and grow.

I’ve used this formula to become a comedian and get my comedy special on Amazon Prime. It took years. More “nos” than I have experienced in all areas of my life combined.

I’m using it to create health. I went from 14.7 percent body fat to single digits. My blood pressure was 192 in November and is now at 117-121 in today.
I know my values, my vision, and purpose, therefore I sold my business, removed my name image likeness, and am confident in what I have now built to be congruent and consistent. I get to know what I really want this time around.

What would you like to change in your life?
What will you do about it?
Who will help you get there?
What would it mean to have better results?
Are you investing time and money to gain those results?

We pay attention to what we pay for!

What are you paying for…do you have mentors?
Who inspires you in the areas you want to improve?
Who teaches you and accelerates results in the areas that are most important to you?
What would it take to bet on yourself?
Are you ready to heal, live your best life and be a value creator today?

I’d love to be on the path with you. Check out and apply for Multiplier if you want my support and that of an amazing community as well.

Take time to answer these questions, you likely can unlock an answer you already have inside. You’ve got this. We’ve got this (I’m here for you).

Create a vision so clear and big that no obstacle, market or issue could stop you or get in your way.

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