Overview of Lever 1: Recover Cash / Boost Profits
Cash Recovery Overview: Utilize the 4 I’s to efficiency to plug financial leaks:
- Interest
- Investments
- Insurance
Cash Flow Optimization: Find ways to improve cash flow by being more resourceful and more efficient with your money.
- Destructive (Eliminate)
- Lifestyle (Manage)
- Protective (Address)
- Productive (Maximize)
Tax Traps:
- Deferring taxes rather than taking deductions
- Spending money to “save”
- Hiring a Historian rather than a Strategist
- Being reactive versus proactive with your tax team
- You have not established a Corporation
Cash Flow Banking: Creating a system to capture wealth, boost savings without boosting risk, adding benefits, and keeping control of your money along the way.
Cash Recovery Toolkit:
- 3x3x3 Tax Structure: Address the 3 Buckets every 3 months and every 3 years
- Revisit loans every two years
- Annually have all financial team coordinate on plan